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- Density of Water is:
a. 998.9 kg/l
b. 1 g/cm3
c. 1000 g/m3
d. 1 g/l
Answer :- 1 g/cm3
- Consider the following statements: Collision diagram is used to
1. Study accident pattern
2. Eliminate accidents
3. Determine remedial measures
4. Make statistical analysis of accidents
Of these statements :
a. 1 and 2 are correct
b. 1 and 3 are correct
c. 3 and 4 are correct
d. 2 and 4 are correct
Answer :- 2 and 4 are correct
- A point load applied at shear center induces:
a. Zero shear force
b. Zero bending
c. Pure twisting
d. Pure bending
Answer :- Pure bending
- ASTM means:
a. American Society for Testing and Materials
b. African Society for Testing and Materials
c. Australian Society for Testing and Materials
d. Asian Society for Testing and Material
Answer :- American Society for Testing and Materials
- QSAS means :
a. Qatar Society Assessment System
b. Qatar System Assessment System
c. Qatar Standard Assessment System
d. Qatar Sustainability Assessment System
Answer :- Qatar Sustainability Assessment System
- Milestone chart invented on:
a. 1910
b. 1920
c. 1930
d. 1940
e. 1950
Answer :- 1930
- One of the following is not characteristics of the project
a. Design
b. Complex activities
c. Internal use never done before
d. Close the project
Answer :- Internal use never done before
- Uplifting of slab on grade will happen because?
a. Differences of shear at the slab ends
b. Un balanced moments
c. Soil resistance
d. None of these
Answer :- Soil resistance
- The resultant of the active earth pressures on a 5 meter-high wall retaining sand with unit weight and friction angle of 19 kN/m3 and 30 degrees is:
a. 102 KN/m
b. 55 KN/m
c. 79 KN/m
d. None of the above
Answer :- 79 KN/m
- What is the difference between normally consolidated soils and over consolidated soils?
a. Normally consolidated soils are saturated and over consolidated soils are unsaturated.
b. Normally consolidated are suitable for geotechnical work while over consolidated soils are not.
c. Normally consolidated have been subjected to large stresses in the past while over consolidated soil have not.
d. Normally consolidated have been subjected to large stresses in the past while over consolidated soil have.
Answer :- Normally consolidated have been subjected to large stresses in the past while over consolidated soil have.
- High W/C ratio leads to:
a. Reduce strength
b. Better workability
c. Increase strength
d. None of the above
Answer :- Reduce strength
- Air – entrained admixture used in concrete to:
a. Increase workability
b. Increase durability
c. Eliminates segregation
d. Reduce density of concrete
Answer :- Increase durability
- What is the type of cement used in sub-structure reinforcement concrete?
a. WPC
b. OPC
c. SRC
d. PFA
Answer :- OPC
- What is the type of cement used in sub-structure binding concrete?
a. WPC
b. OPC
c. SRC
d. PFA
Answer :- SRC
- The modules of elasticity (E) of concrete is given by
a. E = 1000 fck
b. E = 57000 fck
c. E = 5700 fck
d. E = 10, 000 fck
Answer :- E = 57000 fck
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