1. 2-way slab sides lifting caused by?
a) High punching shear
b) Torsion
c) Unbalanced moment
d) Resulting moment
e) Resulting shear
2. What is the maximum live load had to be concerned in the design stage:
a) Residential building
b) Commercial building
c) High raise building
d) None of the above
Commercial building
3. The steel reinforcement in the concrete is very important in:
a) Maximum positive bending moment
b) Zero value of bending moment
c) Maximum tension stress
d) Max compression stress
e) 1 & 3 of the above
Maximum tension stress
4. Reinforced Concrete is used in Concrete structure for its:
a) Light weight
b) High compressive strength
c) High tensile strength
d) High flexibility
High compressive strength
5. Shape of moment in simple supported beam:
a) Concentrated load triangular
b) Distributed load Parabolic.
c) Distributed load rectangular
d) Concentrated load rectangular
Select from following:
1) “a”
2) Both “a” and “b”
3) Both “c” and “d”
4) None of these
Both “a” and “b”
6. What is the reaction in ceiling fan:
a) Bending moment
b) Shear
c) Tension
d) Compression
7. What is the minimum thickness in blinding concrete in sub-structure concrete
a) 100 mm
b) 50 mm
c) 75 mm
d) 125 mm
75 mm
8. What is the maximum allowable tensile stress in the wooden building?
a) 100 MPa
b) 40 MPa
c) 25 N/mm
d) 60 N/mm
40 MPa
9. The maximum size of reinforcement bar that can be used in slab:
a) 12 mm
b) 10 mm
c) 8 mm
d) None of these
12 mm
10. Spliced Beam
a) Typically resist large bending moments & shear forces
b) Resist medium bending moments & shear forces
c) Cannot resist moments & shear forces
d) None of these
Typically resist large bending moments & shear forces
11. Loads to be designed in construction
a) Dead load , wind load , earthquake load & live load
b) Dead load, wind load , earthquake load & live load during construction
c) Dead load , wind load , seismic load & live load
d) Dead load , wind load , seismic load & live load during construction
Dead load , wind load , earthquake load & live load
12. Why a concrete beam is designed as doubly reinforced beam?
a) High bending moment
b) Limitation of beam depth
c) Medium bending moment
d) For safety factor
Limitation of beam depth
13. Shear span is defined as the zone where:
a) Bending moment is zero
b) Shear force is zero
c) Shear force is constant
d) Bending moment is constant
Shear force is constant
14. Consider the following statements
1) Shape factor
2) Length of the beam
3) Type of loading
4) Yield strength
Select from following:
a) 1 only
b) 1 & 3
c) 1 & 2
d) 3 & 4
1 & 3
15. While lifting a precast slab, where the highest shear may happen: :
a) At center
b) At middle third
c) At edges (slab ends)
d) None of these
At edges (slab ends)
16. What effects on suspension system in hungers:
a) Compression
b) Both compression and tension
c) Tension
d) Torsion
17. Influence line follows:
a) 0.5 ton load
b) 0.75 ton load
c) 1 ton unit load
d) None of these
1 ton unit load
18. For simply supported beam, shear will be equal to zero at:
a) End supports
b) Middle of span and on neutral axis
c) Middle of span and above neutral axis
d) Middle of span and above neutral axis
d) End of supports and below neutral axis
Middle of span and on neutral axis
19. Failure of Columns occurs due to:
a) Lateral compression
b) Moment of inertia
c) Buckling
d) Impact force
20. Moment distribution method is delivered by
a) Abraham Macmillan
b) Hardy Cross
c) Regard Scott
d) None of these
Hardy Cross
21. A construction joint is provided where:
a) Bending moment is small
b) Shear force is small
c) The member is supported by other member
d) All of the above
All of the above
22. Expansion Joints are provided when the length of concrete structures exceeds:
a) 10 m
b) 15 m
c) 20 m
d) 35 m
d) 45 m
45 m
23. Allowable shear strength of concrete depends upon:
a) Shear strength
b) Tensile strength
c) Compressive strength
d) None of these
Shear strength
24. The maximum bending moment due to a moving load on a simply supported beam occurs:
a) At the mid span
b) At the support
c) Under the load
d) Anywhere on the beam
e) None of these
Under the load
25. The range within a load can be applied on a rectangular column to avoid any tensile stress is:
a) One half of the base
b) One fifth of the base
c) One fourth of the base
d) One sixth of the base on either side of centroid
One fifth of the base
26. The bending moment is maximum on a section where shearing force:
a) Is maximum
b) Is minimum
c) Is equal
d) Changes sign
Changes sign
27. Stress in a beam due to simple bending is
a) Directly proportional
b) Inversely proportional
c) Curved related
d) None of these
Directly proportional