1. Line connecting the same elevation on the drawing known as ?
a. Super elevation
b. Grade line
c. Contour line
d. None of these
Contour line
2. Elevation of leveling device is 106:23, what is the ground level, if reading of stand is 6:52 ?
a. 100:20
b. 90:40
c. 99:71
d. 98:60
(106:23 – 6:52 = 99:71) Answer :- 99:71
3. Summation of internal angles 6 sides’ polygon ?
a. 360
b. 540
c. 720
d. 180
4. Scale on drawing is 1: 62500, what is actual distance measured on drawing of 7.25 inch ?
a. 12.10 miles
b. 8.20 miles
c. 7.15 miles
d. None of these
7.15 miles
5. What is the error in measuring tape due to shortage of tape is called ?
a. Cumulative error
b. Systematic error
c. Random error
d. None of these
Systematic error
6. Land to be surveyed, which method to be used ?
a. Vertical
b. Horizontal
c. Geodesic
d. All of the above
7. The accuracy of measurement in chain surveying does not depend upon ?
a. Length of the offset
b. Scale of the plotting
c. Importance of the features
d. General layout of the chain lines
General layout of the chain lines
8. Ranging in chain survey means ?
a. Looking at an isolated point on the line
b. Establishing an intermediate point on the line
c. Determining the distance between end points
d. None of these
Establishing an intermediate point on the line
9. The shortest distance between two places measured along the surface of the earth is ?
a. Length of the equator between their longitudes
b. Length of the parallel between their longitudes
c. Length of the arc of the great circle passing through them
d. None of these
Length of the arc of the great circle passing through them
10. What is the Bench Mark ?
Any reference point on site of known height
11. What is the Datum ?
Assumed surface used as a reference for measuring heights and depths
12. Surveying is used for what purpose ?
To determine the relative position of points
13. Leveling is used for what purpose ?
To determine the elevation of point with respect to a datum
14. What is setting out ?
Ensure that elements of scheme are positioned correctly in all dimensions
15. What measures are taken to minimize errors in surveying ?
Avoid local attraction while using magnetic instruments
16. What is the Traverse surveying ?
Framework consist of series of connected lines forming an open or closed polygon
17. What is the Chain surveying ?
Frame consist of a system of triangles
18. The operation of resection involves the following steps ?
1. Rough orientation of the plane table – 1
2. The three lines from a triangle of error – 3
3. Drawing lines back through the three control points – 2
4. Select a point in the triangle of error such that ray is equally rotated either clockwise or anti clockwise – 4
5. The points obtained by three rays is the correct location – 5
The correct sequence is:
a. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5
b. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
c. 1, 4, 3, 2, 5
d. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4
19. If “H” is the difference in level between end points separated by “L”, then the slope correction is – + – The second term may be neglected if the value of “H” in a 20m is less than ?
a. ½ m
b. 1m
c. 2m
d. 3m
Answer :- 3m
If we use any value lesser than 3 and not greater than 3, then answer for slope correction either using the complete formula given above or by eliminating the second term, we will get the same answer. Thus it means that the second term can be eliminated the right answer is 3 and distance kept as 20m.
20. Cross sections are used for what ?
a. The capacity of trucks
b. Right angle offsets from the centerline
c. The cost of the dirt moved
d. For cut and fill Quantities
For cut and fill Quantities
21. The legal area of a piece of land is measured ?
a. Vertically
b. Horizontally
c. Along the ground surface
d. Between the ellipsoid and geoid
22. The number 34 in the term “N 34” E” is usually associated with a ?
a. Temporary point
b. Town
c. Bearing
d. Traverse Point
23. What is the use of a station pointer ?
a. For making soundings in water bodies
b. For plotting of soundings in harbor area
c. For marking sunken shipping hazards
d. For making tidal observations
For plotting of soundings in harbor area
24. According to ICAO recommendations, what is the rate of elevation correction for the runway above MSL ?
a. 1 % for every 100 m of elevation above MSL
b. 7 % for every 300 m of elevation above MSL
c. 2 % for every 500 m of elevation above MSL
d. 2 % for every 300 m of elevation above MSL
7 % for every 300 m of elevation above MSL
25. Consider the following statements regarding Plane Table surveying ?
1. It is less accurate than chain surveying.
2. It is not necessary to do accurate centering of plane table for small scale survey.
3. Compass rule may be made use for adjusting the plane table transverse.
4. From the instrument station, re sectors are drawn to plot the position of object in the field.
Of these statements :
a. 1, 2 and 4 are correct
b. 2, 3 and 4 are correct
c. 1, 2 and 3 are correct
d. 1, 3 and 4 are correct
1, 2 and 4 are correct
26. Following statements certain to the position of Sun when it lies over the First Point of Aries ?
1. Its hour angle is zero.
2. Its right ascension is zero.
3. Its declination is zero. Of these statements
a. 1 and 3 are correct
b. 2 and 3 are correct
c. 1 and 2 are correct
1 and 3 are correct