When a construction project starts, consultant or Client will ask to the main contractors for a List of Equipment, tool & Machineries, the list will be helpful to find it out the main contractor have a sufficient equipment’s or not,
Also, it will be helpful to suggest the main contractor to buy a required Equipment’s, tools & Machineries also hire a required specific technician or operators to handle the equipment’s or machineries.
Also this helps in planning, verifying capacity, complying with regulations, maintaining quality, and managing risks. Essentially, it’s a way to make sure that the project progresses smoothly and successfully.
Here is one of Equipment, tool & Machineries list form for construction project, so if you want to submit the Equipment, tool & Machineries list to your project, you can modify form this form, if you need this excel file click below download
List of Equipment's, Machineries & tools form for consultant
Main Contractor | COMPANY LOGO | |
Client Name | ||
Consultant | ||
Project Title | ||
Location | ||
S.no | Machinery | Numbers |
1 | Excavator | 3.00 |
2 | Bulldozer | 2.00 |
3 | Crane | 2.00 |
4 | Tower cranes | 2.00 |
4 | Concrete mixer | 3.00 |
5 | Backhoe loader | 2.00 |
6 | Dump truck | 2.00 |
7 | Compactor | 4.00 |
8 | Skid-steer loader | 2.00 |
9 | Pile driver | 1.00 |
10 | Asphalt paver | 1.00 |
S.no | Equipment | Numbers |
1 | Power generators | 3.00 |
2 | Concrete pumps | 3.00 |
3 | Scaffolding | Quantity varies based on project size and height requirements |
4 | Air compressors | 2.00 |
5 | Welding machines | 2.00 |
6 | Vibratory rollers | 2.00 |
9 | Lighting towers | 10.00 |
10 | Surveying equipment (e.g., total station) | Quantity varies based on project size and height requirements |
11 | Concrete Spray Machine | 3.00 |
12 | Concrete Vibrator Machine | 3.00 |
13 | Electric Paint Mixture | 10.00 |
14 | Hammer Drill / Driver | 5.00 |
15 | Jack Hammer | 5.00 |
16 | Portable Generator | 5.00 |
17 | Portable Welding Machine | 6.00 |
18 | Spray Painting Machine | 10.00 |
19 | Circular Saw | 3.00 |
20 | Battery Drill | 10.00 |
S.no | Tools | Numbers |
1 | Levels | 5.00 |
2 | Trowels | 3.00 |
3 | Shovels | 10.00 |
4 | Hammers | 15.00 |
5 | Wrenches | 50.00 |
6 | Tape measures | 50.00 |
7 | Safety gear (e.g., helmets, gloves, harnesses) | 50.00 |
8 | Mason trowel | 50.00 |
9 | Wheel barrow | 5.00 |
10 | Chisel | 50.00 |